Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas is an industry with companies of the highest level that always look for equipment which can grant the best quality available on the market. The products to be rolled have to be made with the highest accuracy and repeatability is a fundamental requirement to be achieved.
Offshore platform is defined as a steel tubular structure with tight diameter, such as jacket, monopile and tripods. With a plate thickness ranging from 50 to 250 mm, this product is mostly rolled thanks to 3 roll plate bending machine with variable axis. In the recent years, DAVI R&D studied some exclusive features that make DAVI 3 roll variable axis roll plate bending machine the best choice for Oil & Gas key players. Among these, the most important characteristic is probably the symmetrically balanced load on the top roll, that has various positive consequences:
- most compact machine
- minimum offset of the rolls
- cylinder close to the plate
- perfectly balanced forces
- no stress on the frames
Pressure vessel and boiler are cylinders with medium or large diameter and a wide range of plate width. The new design of DAVI 4 roll makes the machines sturdier, stronger, more rigid and more compact: it's definitely the best choice for the typical thickness of this product, ranging from 50 to 160 mm.
Among the 10,000 machines DAVI installed worldwide during its more than 50 years of history, some of them are in operation in the workshops of the most relevant players in the field of Oil & Gas: Saipem, CNOOC, Holtec, Edmonton Exchanger, Bladt, PetrozavodskMash, Acergy-Subsea7, Doosan, Alstom, Lamprell, EEW.
One of the reasons why these companies continuously choose DAVI is the Service & After Sales, a dedicated team providing customer support (both remote and on site), spare partes delivery in 24 hours, service on other brands machines and retrofit options.